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Ji-ho is a South Korean immigrant who moved to the United States one year ago with his mother for better educational opportunities. Ji-ho’s father is still in South Korea and visits two or three times a year, although it is getting more difficult due to the family’s financial situation. Fluent in Korean and English, Ji-ho has an incredible knowledge base and is very articulate. He was identified as gifted in 2nd grade last year and was accelerated to 5th grade this year. His teachers share that he is well rounded and has strong academic performance. While he is liked by his peers, Ji-ho tends to become wholly absorbed in his task when working with a partner and doesn’t seem to recognize when his peer disagrees or is not following his line of reasoning. Sometimes his passion for an idea strains the group dynamic as Ji-ho can be blunt with others and looks flustered when they do not immediately understand a concept that he deems simple. He does well on projects that require outside the box thinking, becoming fixated on a project, and ensuring that every detail is exactly as should be. Being an avid violin player and coding expert, he often requests a musical or technological component be added to regular schoolwork. Not only is he a member of Osceola Art’s Youth Orchestra, but he also composes his own pieces. He taught himself coding and creates games on his computer which he likes to share with his friends. Ji-ho is also an aspiring golf player and has received scholarships to compete in tournaments around Central Florida.

Assessment Data

Cognitive Functioning


Full-Scale IQ: 138 

GAI: 155

Academic Performance

Key-Math 3

99th Percentile

Gifted Characteristics

Gifted Rating Scales


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Name: Ji-ho

Age: 8 - accelerated from 2nd to 5th grade

Grade: 5th 

Born: South Korea

Academic Performance: Straight A's

Interests: Math, Science, Reading, Golf, Orchestra

Learning Preferences: Individual projects 

Exceptionalities: Gifted and ASD

Supporting Documents

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