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Advocates for Advanced and Gifted Education present

UCF ADAGE Gifted Conference: A Glimpse into Hidden Potential

GLIMPSING Best Lessons, Practices, and Programs in Gifted Education  

Glimpsing Best Teaching

Glimpsing Policies & Practices

Glimpsing Research Evidence

Round tables and stations from local gifted teachers

Presentations from districts on policies, practices, and plans, and sharing results

Explore research results from graduates and faculty

Keynote Speaker - Dr. Susan Baum


Susan Baum, Ph.D., is the Chancellor of the Bridges Graduate School for Cognitive Diversity and Co-Director of the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development and The Bridges Academy. An eminent contributor to the field of Gifted Education, she has focused on the Twice-Exceptional Learner and Learning Disabled Gifted. A prolific author and researcher, she has presented extensively all over the world.

February 24, 2024


Morgridge International Reading Center

FREE to Attend

UCF Project GLIMPSE, a collaborative USDOE Javits Grant ('22-'27) with the school district of Osceola County, is sponsoring this event. 


Who should attend this event?

Any educator who serves gifted students, gifted coordinators, school counselors, parents of gifted children, administrators, and any support personnel and administrators who want to learn more about advocating for gifted

Will parents of the gifted be attending the same sessions as educators? 

As you will see on the registration page, STRAND 2 offers special workshops and speakers specifically relevant for parents. Please be sure to register for STRAND 2.

Will lunch be provided? 

Please plan to bring a lunch or order nearby. There will be a 45-minute lunch break. â€‹

Can I bring my children?

We are educators who love kids! That is why we ask that you find something more exciting for them to do with their Saturday. Adults only, please! 

What should I wear?

Feel free to dress comfortably and casually.  

Where should I park?

There is a parking lot directly in front of the Morgridge International Reading Center. Conference attendees can park for free.  

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